Back to school: 4 tools to get organized as a family

Rentrée : 4 outils pour s’organiser en famille

While summer is still in full swing, it's never too early to think about back-to-school and how to organize it — especially if you have children. Indeed, when birthdays, outings, activities or school holidays are added to an already busy daily life, it is common to quickly become overwhelmed... Before the rush of September, we take stock of practical tools, which will help you refine your organization.


Family peace of mind guaranteed thanks to this stationery kit! With its fifty-two detachable pages (each corresponding to a week of the year), this stationery kit makes organization almost fun... The idea? Tear off one page per week and stick it on your fridge or on a door, leaving each member of your family to add an event (activity, school or medical appointment, outing, homework, etc.) that concerns them . An accessible tool that facilitates communication, decorated with colorful stickers that will surely delight your children and make them want to participate in the collective organization!


Stay organized and efficient all year round? This is possible thanks to this weekly planner and its detachable sheets, which allow you to indicate the dates of each week, and to note each daily and weekend event. Emergencies not to be forgotten, professional or personal tasks... It offers you the guarantee of not missing anything, and the possibility of leaving memos in the space dedicated to notes.


If you already have your personal diary, why not opt ​​(in addition) for a family diary ? It will allow you to divide your priorities and those of your family life, by recording each in a dedicated notebook. From then on, no more forgetting and organizational problems, because everything relating to children's holidays, school or sports outings, meetings with teachers, birthdays or family weekends will be noted in this essential and essential diary!



Planning meal ideas at the last minute, juggling trying to find a time to do your shopping between leaving the office and the supermarket closing... So that organizing dinners doesn't seem like a headache, this planner meal guide helps you think about all your menus in advance, write down your shopping list or write down your favorite recipes, while benefiting from tips for reducing your waste, and even menu ideas for a full week. Up to you !