GIFT OFFER: €30 order = 1 free personalized pen

OFFRE Spéciale

Jusqu'au dimanche 26 mai, une carte de voeux offerte



Earth Day 🌍 was first celebrated on April 22, 1970. It was the birth of a global environmental movement. In 1990, the Jour de la Terre France association was created and stood out by organizing the largest French event dedicated to the environment. Their mission : to support people and organizations to significantly reduce their impact on the environment.

Our actions  
In 2023, the climate emergency has become even more pressing as the effects of climate change continue to be felt across the world. We must organize ourselves collectively and rethink our activity to preserve our environment.
FSC® certification
Since 2011, Draeger Paris has offered you a range of stationery certified FSC®. The Forest Stewardship Council ® is an international non-governmental organization that encourages ecologically appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world's forests. Thus, thanks to this FSC® certification , Draeger participates in the preservation of forests, populations and the wild life they shelter. To know more, you can consult the site .
Using vegetable ink

To preserve our beautiful planet, we have chosen to use vegetable inks on our stationery , which facilitates the recycling of our products. Vegetable inks , made from renewable raw materials, are more sustainable and have a lower impact on the environment than petroleum-based ingredients.  

Made in Europe

This year, we particularly want to emphasize the quality of our products, made with noble raw materials and European know-how. Thus, the majority of our bags are 100% leather and made in Italy to guarantee you a quality product and minimize the carbon impact linked to transport. Our scented candles are also made in France with renewable raw materials such as vegetable wax, glass and cotton.

World Earth Day is a day to raise awareness and fight against climate change, but it is every day, thanks to our daily and collective actions that we will be able to make things happen!