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How to wear your silk scarf?

Comment porter son carré de soie ?

If you own a silk scarf , you are probably used to wearing it as soon as spring arrives. However, it is far from being reserved only for the summer months! It's even an ideal piece to brighten up fall outfits, as it is often decorated with graphic prints and bright colors. The good idea? Take advantage of fall-winter 2022 to make it one of the key accessories in your wardrobe, by trying different ways to wear it.


Why not integrate a scarf directly into your hairstyle? To do this, nothing could be simpler: all you need to do is tie your hair into a ponytail or bun, then fold your scarf to form a thin strip about 5 centimeters wide. Then tie your silk square around the elastic and wrap it around it, or let its sides fall on each side. Among the models suitable for these hairstyles, we find for example this silk scarf with a multicolored graphic pattern , which will brighten up an ensemble in chocolate or navy blue tones.


Are you a fan of bohemian looks? Don't hesitate to take inspiration from the icons of the 1970s and tie your scarf in your hair like a bandana. To do this, simply fold your silk square in half to form a triangle, place it on your head and tie it at the back of your neck, taking care to tuck in the excess pieces of the scarf. In any case, choose a model in bright colors that will make your hair stand out, like this yellow and turquoise model or this version in red and blue shades .


If you prefer to go for a safe bet, opt for a great classic: the scarf around your neck. To do this, fold it in half to form a triangle, which you will then roll up to form a long strip a few centimeters wide. All you have to do is put it around your neck, choosing to tie it on one side, in the middle or by slipping its sides into your shirt or under your sweater. In any case, choose a colorful model that will contrast with your outfit, like this elegant silk scarf with a tie and dye print , available in shades of blue.


More unexpected than a scarf around your neck or in your hair, you can also wear your silk square instead of a belt. This will allow you to add a touch of color to your silhouette and enhance your look. To do this, fold your scarf to form a fairly thin strip, slip it through the loops of your pants or skirt and tie it nicely at the front. Another possibility is to decorate the handle of your favorite bag with a square of silk, which you will ideally choose in soft shades which will match its color and material. This model with sky blue and coral lines will enhance cognac leather, while this tricolor silk scarf can compliment camel leather. All you have to do is choose the model(s) that will accompany you throughout the season...