Home staging: 5 tips to feel good at home

Home staging : 5 astuces pour se sentir bien chez soi

Very often, the arrival of winter means that we will spend more time at home. This may therefore be an ideal time to rethink your interior... In order to avoid calling on an architect or embarking on costly work, take inspiration from home staging , which consists of revamping your interior at a lower cost. cost (often with the aim of reselling it more easily). In this specific case, it is simply a matter of optimizing your living space to feel good there: discover all our tips and tricks to achieve this on a reasonable budget.


First of all, sorting is necessary! Objects and trinkets accumulated over the years, gifts that we keep out of habit, furniture that has gone out of fashion... Take advantage of the long winter evenings to take stock and only keep what you really like. Once you have gotten rid of everything that is cluttering you up, you will see things more clearly and all that will remain is to take stock of what you are missing to live in the apartment of your dreams.


We know that sometimes all it takes is a lick of paint to give a piece of furniture a new lease of life (as a bonus, this also works for the different rooms in your house or apartment). Is your grandmother's wardrobe looking dull? You can probably enhance it by painting it in a taupe or pastel gray shade. The same goes for the main wall of your living room or a dilapidated cupboard... There are many tutorials for bringing old furniture back to life on the Internet: don't hesitate to take inspiration from them to avoid increasing your renovation budget.


If your walls seem a little too white, it shouldn't last! So bet on original posters to dress up a room that is too empty. This canvas with the image of a flower or this poster representing a blue sky will bring a Zen atmosphere to a bedroom or office. Other options, a reproduction of the sketch “Evening Flowers” ​​by Pablo Picasso , or this set of three vintage photographs to (re)discover old Paris.


Rather than completely repainting a room or changing the tiles in your kitchen, why not use stickers? If you do it correctly, you can transform a room in just a few minutes. Among our favorites, this wall sticker will take you on a journey to the jungle , while these flowers will fit perfectly into a bedroom. In the kitchen, head for stickers to dress up a splashback or outdated bathroom tiles, like this model inspired by old cement tiles , or this two-tone version . The final touch? Stickers to put on a window to escape even more, like lilacs or the mantra “ happy life ”.


We can't say it enough: when it comes to decoration, every detail counts. Therefore, a winter interior must become a place full of softness, in which you feel good. A scented candle , a hot water bottle to warm up , graphic tealight holders or a mug in which you enjoy drinking your morning coffee ... All these objects will bring the final touch to your decoration, as well as a good dose of well-being.