GIFT OFFER: €30 order = 1 free personalized pen

Offre Fête des mères

Dès 50€ d'achat profitez de -15%, dès 100€ profitez de -30%

Cadeaux pour amis et collègues

Gifts for friends and colleagues

It's not easy to find a gift for a friend or a colleague. This is why we have taken care to create a selection of gift ideas.

Find the ideal gift for your colleague for a going away drink, to thank for help or to congratulate, to wish a happy birthday... Notebook, meeting notebook, notepad, pens, mugs: perfect for colleagues or collaborators gifts

Bestfriend necklaces, mugs or pouches with sweet words, decorative or fashion items, find THE gift for your friends!

Also discover our astrological sign necklaces here .

Description of the collection