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At a time when more than half of the French population has already written or would like to turn to writing, why not make it your new hobby or use it as a means of introspection?


Who has never dreamed of being a writer sipping a cup of coffee while penning dozens of pages from morning to evening? According to a study by the Mediapost agency published in spring 2019, more than half of French people have already turned to writing or would like to do so — as evidenced by the appearance of numerous writing workshops. writing and even training.

And for good reason: in addition to the prestige of seeing your novel published, writing can be compared to a form of therapy, which encourages letting go and allows you to take a step back. This is why many people adopt morning writing rituals, in an effort to write for themselves and without a specific objective, other than to clarify their ideas and their mind. The principle ? Adapt the organization of your day by planning a short but daily moment to write down a spontaneous flow of thoughts in a notebook.


It's never easy to find the time and motivation to establish a new routine — especially if you've never written before! Here are three tips for creating your ritual:

    Ritualize a moment of the day

      Give yourself a break! Depending on your activity and your schedule, define the time slot that will allow you to be calm, without distraction, and that you will be able to maintain over the long term.

        Choose your support

          Do you have a favorite notebook or notepad? Dedicate it exclusively to your spontaneous writing sessions: this will allow you to centralize them, or even come back to them in order to measure your progress. If you haven't yet found your preferred medium, this journal template will guide you in your writing by offering you keys to sorting through your thoughts and emotions.

            Write down everything that comes to mind

              The only rule of spontaneous writing is that there is none! You can start by writing down everything that crosses your mind when you wake up: your notebook will thus become the mirror of your mind. As the weeks go by, you will be able to refine your style by recounting the memories, secrets, plans for the future, past anecdotes, moods or beautiful moments that come to mind - another possible option is to work on your imagination!

                Take stock

                  After a few weeks or months, take stock: are your writing sessions bringing you joy? Do you get anything positive from it? Is the timing you chose right for you? Don’t hesitate to make small adjustments to optimize and perfect your routine.


                  WRITE TO CARE FOR OTHERS

                  Let's not forget that writing has multiple virtues: in addition to helping you reconnect with yourself, writing a letter or a card has more impact than ever in this all-digital age! Sending small messages on paper remains the most intimate way to communicate and stay in touch with family and loved ones.

                  If a letter always makes a big impact, a beautiful printed card will personalize your message even more. Whether it is wishing you a “ Beautiful day ”, remembering that “ Life is beautiful

                  or simply to share gratitude, there is no more beautiful way to convey a message of friendship or love.