The most secret diaries

Les journaux intimes les plus secrets

For a long time, the best way to remember, understand and free oneself is to write. Hidden between books, mattresses or in plain sight, it contains our most beautiful moments, our first sorrows, our friendships and our desires: focus on the diary!


The notebook of our childhood secrets is often the first journal in which we recount the experiences of our lives. Our first love, the first outing, the last heartbreak or the last purchase. It allows us once as adults, by coming across it by chance, to remember our secrets of yesteryear, to laugh, but above all to rediscover ourselves.


Children and teenagers will enjoy being able to write about their days, holidays or back-to-school. They will find a way to create a new space of private freedom or to write their first biography. The cocooning panda notebook will contain the secrets of the shyest while the llama notebook will leave room for the secrets of the most creative. The magical unicorn journal , for its part, will be perfect for the biggest dreamers.


The cocooning diaries and their completely blank pages will allow the little ones to tell stories in magical drawings while the older ones will write with their most beautiful pen. They will thus enjoy a moment of calm and return to themselves. The top secret diary will be perfect for the most discreet and the plain pink diary will accompany those in search of softness.

To go further, we advise you to accompany these moments of writing with personalized pens, with sweet messages or first names . The best gifts for young and old writers!